No cost.
Thr program is open to all residents of the state of Michigan.
Michigan Rx Card is the state's free prescription assistance program, launched on October 1, 2005. The Michigan Rx Card provides free drug cards to all Michigan residents and offers savings of up to 80% on prescription drugs at participating pharmacies. This program has no restrictions to membership, no income requirements, no age limitations, and there are no applications to fill out. There are currently more than 68,000 pharmacy locations across the country participating in the program.
Michigan Rx Card was launched to help the uninsured and underinsured citizens of Michigan afford their prescription medications. However, the program can also be used by people who have health insurance coverage with no prescription benefits, which is common in many health savings accounts (HSA) and high deductible health plans. Additionally, people who have prescription coverage can use this program to get a discount on non-covered drugs.
This statewide initiative is receiving support from Michigan Osteopathic Association, Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants, Michigan Licensed Beverage Association, Michigan Retailers Association and Michigan Association of Counties. There are also numerous county governments supporting the program such as; Wayne, Kent, Ottawa, Allegan, Calhoun, Newaygo, Mid-Michigan Health District, Central Michigan Health District, Health District #2 and Van Buren/Cass Health District.
Residents can print a card from the website at or by contacting any of the supporting counties or organizations listed above. This Program is not insurance
No cost.
MIChild is a health coverage program using state funds as well as funds authorized under Title XXI of the Federal Social Security Act to furnish health care coverage to a targeted population. This population includes the following individuals:
(888) 988-6300
MIChild is a health care program administered by the Department of Community Health. It is for the low income uninsured children of Michigan's working families.
No cost.
Everyone is eligible
(800) 259-8016
The MiRx Card program is free. There is no cost for the card. There is no cost to enroll in the program. And, the MiRx card is easy to use. MiRx card holders will take their prescription and their MiRx card to their local participating pharmacy. The pharmacist will fill the prescription and charge the MiRx discounted price. The discount is good on any medicine the pharmacist stocks and your doctor prescribes. Over-the-counter drugs are not covered even if they are prescribed by your doctor.